Saturday 23 March 2013

I am way into my diet now and I am now noticing that apart from being the skinniest I've been since I was 8 years old, I am not craving bread or cakes. I think I may have finally slain the sugar dragon - wooohooo!
Big Momma before...
..Skinny Momma after!
It has been a tough 6 weeks, but I feel I am settling in to it now. It is surreal that I have come this far and not quit. I remember the first time I read It Starts With Food, I remember thinking that there would always be a limit to what I would be able to cut out of my diet and I certainly wouldn't be able to cut out all that food and eggs - what would I eat for breakfast?? 

The truth is, when you are desperate, you can pretty much achieve anything.

I had really got to the point where I was ready to even give the antibiotics a go. I was in constant pain and was still just using the gauze and micropore to strap my sores up. Painkillers were ruining my stomach and after a few days of painkillers, I was getting awful headaches.

I knew then that I just didn't want to be intoxicating myself even more with antibiotics. I had been eating semi-paleo since June. I got back on the internet and found Primal Girl's blog again. I re-read it and decided, enough was enough -  I was going to do it!

And here I am. Eating a beautiful variety of nature's beautiful foods. Again, I'd love to say it was easy, but it is not. Who wants to cook two-three times a day, everyday? Who doesn't want to be able to throw in a ready-meal, or a pizza at the end of a hectic week? I certainly struggle at those times. But let me say this. My family and I are eating a bigger and better variety of fruit and vegetables than ever before. We have cut down on our meat consumption and we substitute junk food nights with oven baked sweet potatoes, eaten covered in pink Himalayan salt and eaten with our fingers from a bowl whilst watching TV. We have learnt to appreciate that all the food we are eating is nourishing us and the effort we put in has a reward. Good health. For all of us.

So on the mornings where I struggle to decide what to eat and force myself to cook up those leftover courgettes and onions, I am comforted by the thought that I have achieved more than I ever believed was possible! The inflammation in my backside has subsided so much. I still have the spots and they are still leaking - I have even had a couple of new ones. But it's all healing so much quicker. I haven't had any painkillers for at least two weeks. Will I go into remission? Who knows? But something is working and I am more motivated than ever to carry on eating this way.

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