Wednesday 22 May 2013

I am broken.

My holiday is finished and my HS is having the time of it's life. For those of you who are using diet to control your HS - well done. Stick with it - it really does work. I have eaten potatoes, crisps, sugary desserts; I have drunk many different types of alcohol - one too many cocktails. I have eaten bread, had gravy and just thrown caution to the wind. I'm paying for it now.

I was definitely allowed the mackerel, rocket and the flowers. Don't ask about the rest...
Whilst away, I didn't get my usual 8 hours sleep as Nina woke up every morning between 6:00 and 7:00. I didn't stick to my diet. I lived on painkillers. I spent lots of time with friends and family. I had an amazing time.
Strawberries are Paleo, right? 
I must admit that I'm feeling pretty rough right now, though. Not only are there post-holiday blues to contend with, but I am almost back to where I started diet-wise. I have a lot of admiration for those who can stick to the diet whilst away.
I definitely wasn't the one laughing last....
Perhaps if I hadn't had so many different things planned and so many dinners out, I could have made more of a concerted effort to eat better. Perhaps not. Perhaps I'm just not ready to admit that I can control this disease, by limiting the foods I eat. Although it is apparent, now more than ever, that my HS is definitely affected by my food intake. I did learn that it seemed to be at its worst when I had a combination of gluten and sugar. The occasional glass of good wine didn't affect me too badly before, but a combination of apple crumble and rum cocktails induced a major flare.

It's probably a good time to mention that I have been on the homeopathic treatment, Serocytol, for three months. I have been taking a combination of four different drops: SRE, Neuro-vasculaire, Malphigien and Emonctoires. I started taking them the week after I started the AI protocol diet, so when my symptoms improved, I was not sure if the Serocytol had had an effect. However, after the last couple of weeks of free-eating, and the return of the bad-boy flares, I am 100% sure that they haven't worked for me. I should go back to the homeopath and try something new. I really should. Soon. Not now, but soon.

So, its back to reality. Now, if I could just find where I left my motivation before I went on holiday.....


  1. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin condition actually characterizes by lesions, abscesses, inflammation, scarring and blackheads. Forming some painful clusters somewhat around groin, anal areas and arm pit, HS is an example in which your skin tends to work totally against your body. Thankfully, the experts of natural herbs clinic has successfully prepared a product that is very effective for Hidradenitis suppurativa treatment without any side effects.

  2. Useful information... Here are some top tips for the management and Hidradenitis Suppurativa Natural Treatment.
