Thursday 18 April 2013

We are making plans to move pretty soon and the house is a little chaotic. On the plus side, we have already packed a few boxes and I have managed to finally get motivated to put Nina in nursery. She starts properly next week. Just two mornings, but it's an ad hoc facility, which is really cool and based on our income, is only 1.10 euro an hour - fab!

Finally the HS swelling is going down - recovering from my red meat, salmon, vinegar experiences has been pretty tough. I guess like falling off any wagon, when you had been doing so well, picking yourself up again is a challenge. I have been more careful again, apart from the odd coffee and a couple of small glasses of good white wine this week. I have been taking my Serocytols medication and occasionally remembering to take my magnesium and other homeopathic remedies. I have been gorging on fresh coconut, which is probably not a good thing. Is there a recommended daily allowance for coconut?? I really should Google it up. Aside from that though, my face has cleared up and I feel good. I am going to try duck breast on the BBQ this weekend and see if it affects me. I am feeling more in control and ready to start a more structured reintroduction of foods.

I have been reading more and more posts about about people finding diet has helped them improve their HS. It's fantastic to hear it from so many. It's a tough disease and sometimes it seems all you ever read is negative comments from people. I have to remind myself that the pain can take you into a dark forest, where even the strongest of us lose sight of the light. I am grateful that my journey is mostly positive and I have the support to keep on battling this disease in the most natural way possible.

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