Thursday 4 April 2013

Tyla has done it again! She is the Queen of Mushroom Picking and this week, she has found morels - no less, she has found them in...wait for it....our garden!!

She found 100 grams of these babies!

I had no idea when morels grew  -I just assumed they would be around in October - the same as all the others like porcinis (cepes) and oyster mushies. But no! They are here. And they taste A-MA-ZING! Ed cut them, leaving the stalks in the ground and we hope they spore some more. They grow well in sandy soil and they're hollow. To prepare them, you rinse them well and voila -ready to cook! They are not to be eaten raw, as they are mildly toxic.

We made some homemade burgers, with onion, garlic, salt and pepper and parsley from the garden (no egg and cumin, as I'm still on my elimination diet). I prepped some baby spinach, ripe avocado and we fried up some pork strips that I had marinating in olive oil, salt, pepper and dried garlic. For the morels, we had two separate recipes. For Ed and Tyla, they fried some garlic in a tablespoon of butter, until soft. Then they added chopped up Morels and cooked for another couple of minutes. Then at the end, added a tablespoon of white wine, salt and pepper. I had mine the same, but olive oil instead of butter and no white wine.

We fried the burgers on our Le Creuset griddle pan, and served with the pork and morel sauce.

O. M. G!! 

I have never tasted mushrooms so good! Considering I wasn't feeling too optimistic about the dwindling supplies in the fridge, I was super excited about the meal we created. I really could have eaten that dinner twice. Roll on more rain and more morels!

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